School Parent Duty FAQs
NCLS is a non-profit organization. Its federal tax ID is 04-3559937.
- What is the difference between this system and the one had been used in the past?
The new system allows each family to sign up at any available parent duties without zone limitation.
- What is the benefit that the new system can provide for each family?
Each family will have more control over when to perform the job and what kind of job to do through the whole semester.
- How do I know I have successfully singed up for the job I selected?
Log into your online account. On the home page you should see a “Parent duty status” line. It shows your duty status, what option you chose (perform duty or pay a fee), whether you are done with duty, whether you have signed up, and what you have signed up.
You can also contact the parent representative of your job date or PCC chairs (find the contact information at the end of this FAQ). - How could I change my job if there is an unexpected conflict for the duty date?
Log into your account and click on “Update” on any student to change the parent duty selection.
- How late can I change my job?
You have up to Wednesday before the Sunday to make change. After that you should make an effort to come, or ask a friend or another family to cover for you. If you really cannot make it and cannot find a substitute, contact the parent representative for the Sunday and inform him that you cannot make it. After the Sunday you should sign into your account and select a new duty to perform. You can find the representative information at the end of this FAQ.
- Who should I contact if I have questions regarding my job?
You can check it online.
- Who is responsible for my job?
You are responsible to be present and perform the job you have signed up. The parent representative will help you with questions.
- What happen if I don’t perform my job?
According to the system introduced in spring 2004, the families agree but fail to fulfill their duty will subject for a fine in the amount of $50 per semester.
- Why there is a fine associated with the parent duty?
The purpose of the fine system is to introduce accountability and fairness to all NCLS student families. You can find all the information regarding this system by Login into the system.
- So what is the whole steps I need to go through?
Start from logging into your online account, if you register any student, you will need to select whether you want to perform a duty or pay a fee of $30 to have the duty waived. If you select to pay, you are all set. Otherwise you can use the “Update” button for any student and at the end of the page, select a duty from the list. The system will record your selection, which will be displayed in the home page of the account. You should mark your calendar for the date you selected.
The system will send out a reminder email several days from the duty date to remind you (but again, it is your responsibility to show up, so do mark your own calendar).
When you go to the duty on the day, find the parent representative for the day and sign off your name. The rep will mark you as done with your duty later on, which will reflect in your account.
- What is a “Float” duty on a Sunday?
“Float” duties are those that will be determined on the day. You should report to the school (in the library to find the rep) and the rep will assign you the duty for the day. It can be one of the regular duties, or something just for the day.
- How come the duty selection list is so short and I don’t have many choices?
The system works on a first-come-first-serve base. There are fixed number of slots for each duty for a specific day. Once all the slots for a duty is filled, it is not available for selection again. So if you sign up late, you may see limited choices. You should act early.
- What is “Other” selection?
“Other” is for those who could not find any other choices that is either available or suit for his need. The PCC will assign you to a specific duty on a specific day. PCC will notify you at least one week ahead of time.
- Will there be any new duties during the semester?
Yes, based on the school’s need, there may be new duties that come out as the school goes on. New duties will be announced at least two weeks ahead of time to let people sign up. This means the list of duties may change as time goes by. If you sign up for “Other”, you can change the selection when you receive notification about new duties.
- I am done with my job, but I’d like to help out more.
Sure thing. Just get into your account and choose a new job.
- Is the duty system for the whole school year or just one semester?
This is for one semester, as it is part of the semester’s registration system. You register once a semester, you sign up for parent duty once a semester.
- Duty Descriptions
Traffic control1 (1:30 -2:15)
- Time: 1:30 to 2:10 for traffic control.
- Location: at the entrance into the school.
- Duty:
- Only cars with school parking permit (should say 2002-2003) can enter. Any other vehicles should leave the area immediately. If not following the instruction, you should contact the office at library
- Make sure that no one parks car along the street (no parking zone)
Traffic control2 (1:30 -2:15)
- Time: 1:30 to 2:10 for outside traffic control.
- Location: outside at the intersection of Walnut St. and Minot Pl.
- Warning: please don’t stand in the middle of the street to direct traffic. Only police can do so. We are not allowed.
- Duty:
- Guide traffic to ensure the safety of the NCLS students and their parents, without blocking the traffic by:
- Stop the pedestrians if there is car coming
- Walk together with a group people cross the street, especially if there are little ones.
- Make sure that no one parks car along the street (no parking zone), and that all drop-off happen in designated area, not in the middle of the street as it will soon make backup to Walnut street and cause deadlock.
- Guide traffic to ensure the safety of the NCLS students and their parents, without blocking the traffic by:
Traffic control2 (1:30 -2:15)
- Time: 1:30 to 2:10 for outside traffic control.
- Location: along the Minot Pl road at the place where the road starts to turn right.
Warning: please don’t stand in the middle of the street to direct traffic. Only police can do so. We are not allowed.
- Duty:
- Bring the (No enter with NCLS parking permit) sign from library.
- Stop any cars without NCLS parking permit from entering the Minot Pl
- Make sure that people do not drop off along the street, guide the cars to the designated drop-off area.
School patrolling 1:30 -3:15
- Time: 1:30 to 3:15 for school patrolling
- Duty:
- Guard the stairways so no kids go to class room.
- Patrol the corridors, making sure no one eating (eating can only be done int he cafe area), no running, shouting.
School patrolling 3:15-4:45
- Time: 3:40 to 5:00 for school patrolling
- Duty: patrol the corridors, making sure no one eating (eating can only be done in the cafeteria area), no running, shouting, in particular during the recess time.
Attending copy machines at library 1:30-3:15
- Time: 1:30 to 3:15
- Location: Library
- Duty: Help get the copy machines out from closet and make copies for classroom use.
Attending copy machines at library 3:15-4:45
- Time: 3:40 to 5:00
- Location: Library
- Duty: make copies for classroom use, and help return the copy machines to close
Traffic control 3:15-3:45
- Time: 3:15-3:45 for outside traffic control.
- Location: along the Minot Pl road at the place where the road starts to turn right.
- Warning: please don’t stand in the middle of the street to direct traffic. Only police can do so. We are not allowed.
- Duty:
- Stop any cars without NCLS parking permit from entering the Minot PL
- Make sure that people do not drop off along the street, guide the cars to the designated drop-off area.
Traffic control 4:45-5:15
- Time: 4:45-5:15 for outside traffic control.
- Location: along the Minot Pl road at the place where the road starts to turn right.
- Warning: please don’t stand in the middle of the street to direct traffic. Only police can do so. We are not allowed
- Duty:
- Stop any cars without NCLS parking permit from entering the Minot Pl
- Make sure that people do not drop off along the street, guide the cars to the designated drop-off area.
- Bring the no entry sign back to the library