2011 牛顿中文学校感恩节联欢晚会
2011 NCLS Thanksgiving Party

一年一度的感恩节又要来临了,牛顿中文学校也将以传统的联欢晚会拉开节日的序幕。 秉承"老师,家庭,感恩"的宗旨,晚会将分为文艺表演,游戏活动和交谊舞会三个部分。 每个家庭除了观看由学校各文艺班和学生表演的唱歌,舞蹈,YOYO,诗朗诵等各种文 艺演出以外,小朋友还可以参加各种有奖游戏活动,交谊舞爱好者更是可以一展舞姿, 尽情舞动。这是老少皆宜的一个晚会,欢迎您和您的家人前来参加,一起在欢声笑语中 度过一个快乐的夜晚,让欢乐伴随着我们迎接即将来临的节日季节。

The holiday season of 2011 is around the corner. As one of the traditions at NCLS, there will be a Thanksgiving party held to celebrate this special day. You will enjoy the performance by various NCLS performing arts classes and students. From singing to dancing, from YOYO playing to poem reciting, a full list of program will present you endless excitement, happiness, joy and thanksgiving. Kids from all ages can participate in games and get a small gift. For ballroom dance fans, it is the chance to heat up the floor and show your moves. It will be a night packed with fun and laughter for the whole family. We welcome you and your family to come and join us this special night.

When: November 19, 2011 7pm
Place: ACAS Activity Center, 29 Montvale Ave, Woburn, MA 01801
Ticket: $10/person, $20/family

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